Online Application Filing Service

We are a private, independent document preparation service that provides expert assistance in obtaining Federal Tax IDs (Employer ID Numbers). We are not affiliated with nor do we represent the IRS. We work to provide our customers with an experience that is better than dealing directly with the government. Please note that you can research and apply directly with the IRS for no charge but you won’t get the additional, unique features and advantages of our service that are not available from the government.

Choose Your Entity Type:

Obtain your Tax ID (EIN) Number online by completing our Federal EIN Number Application. Our entire process is designed for convenience and takes only 5 minutes to complete.

Once you have completed the application, our EIN obtainment experts will review your information for errors and correct any common mistakes. We’ll use the information you choose to submit to securely obtain your Federal EIN Number, which will be ready for immediate use.

Our simplified Online EIN Application is always available, 24/7. Start now by selecting a business entity type to the right.

Answer a few questions

  1. Complete your application in as little as 5 minutes

We file with the state

2. We check for errors and file with the Secretary of State

You receive package by mail

3. You’ll receive your business correspondence by mail

Learn about our additional features...

After years of professional EIN obtainment, we have developed the most efficient EIN number application available today. For example, just one of the many ways we save you time is by asking only the minimum questions required to obtain your EIN online. The IRS has an estimated application completion time of over 90 minutes (compared to our 5 minutes) and this is partly due to their one-size-fits-all EIN application process. We’ve developed a fast and easy EIN form for each business type, only asking you questions relevant to your entity type and shortening your application time.

Furthermore, the irs.gov website is difficult to navigate and often rejects EIN applications without providing a reason or email support. Should the IRS require a phone call or fax communication in order to obtain your EIN, we will work on your behalf to get your EIN application approved. We’ll deal with the IRS to handle any obstacles for you at no additional cost. Don’t wait on hold with the IRS – complete our 5 Minute EIN Application and we’ll handle the rest.

Most banks will require that you present an SS-4 document as proof of an Employer Identification Number in order to open a business account or line of credit. Oddly enough, the IRS.gov EIN application process will not provide you with a completed SS-4 document. This is just one of the many additional features Zoom Filings makes available to you. Complete the Zoom Filings online EIN application and we’ll deliver your completed SS-4 document with the EIN Number prominent in the upper right hand corner, as required by most banks. Keep this SS-4 form on file for your records or request a replacement via email at any time.

Let our experts fast-track your EIN obtainment process by eliminating common errors, mistakes and delays. Our staff has been reviewing EIN applications daily for years and we constantly see similar mistakes happen every day – most of which can be corrected fairly quickly. But if submitted to the IRS with these errors, you can surely expect drastic delays. We don’t want you to spend days correcting problems of a rejected application due to simple items that could have been avoided. Our goals is to put your EIN Number in your hands as quickly as possible.

The IRS allows the use of a Third Party Designee in the EIN obtainment process. This means that in the event there is an issue with your application, we will work on your behalf to solve it, until your EIN Number is obtained. We are obligated to go above and beyond on your behalf – whatever is needed. Requesting an EIN from the IRS can sometimes turn into a time-heavy scavenger hunt. We understand you are hiring us as your Third Party Designee to avoid these situations. As such, a large part of our expertise is the experience to follow through until the end, so you don’t have to.

The IRS.gov EIN Application is only available from 6:00am to 9:00pm Central Time and only on week days. That’s a grand total of only 75 hours per week. Alternatively, you can submit your application to our ZoomFilings.com EIN application 24/7/365. We hope you’ll appreciate the convenience of never being turned away. With our application’s up-time above 99.8%, you can enjoy more than double the hours of availability – so you can apply on your own time, not someone else’s.

NEW! Traditional Mail Service

Zoom Filings is constantly releasing additional features. In 2016, we’ve added a traditional mail alternative. Now you can file in a multitude of ways, request more information today.