Create a DBA Online

Brand your business the easy way

  • Preparation and filing of DBA
  • Official DBA Registration
  • 5-Minute Application
  • Satisfaction Guarantee


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Create your brand with a DBA (Doing Business As)

Creating a DBA is the easiest and least expensive way to do business legally under any name of your choosing, especially if you’re an individual or sole proprietor. In addition, mature Corporations, LLCs and Non Profits use multiple DBAs nested under a primary company in order to minimize paperwork, lower costs and simplify taxes. DBA stands for “Doing Business As”, also known as a Fictitious Business Name or an Assumed Business Name. Start using DBAs to your advantage today.

Answer a few questions

  1. Complete your application in as little as 5 minutes

We file with the state

2. We check for errors and file with the Secretary of State

You receive package by mail

3. You’ll receive your business correspondence by mail

Reasons to Open a DBA

BRANDING – Customers often make choices based on first impression. Your business name is how customers find and remember you. Make sure your brand is relevant by registering a DBA that will resonate with your target audiences.

BANKING – Many banks will require the use of a DBA to open a business bank account for sole proprietorships and general partnerships. Are you prepared?

EXPANSION – It is important to structure your business properly in the early stages to support long-term growth. Thousands of Corporations, LLCs and Non Profits use DBAs because they are essential in structuring the branches of your business for expansion.

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Affordable DBA Registration

There are many practical reasons to create multiple DBAs. You may be launching a number of websites, opening multiple store locations, or even testing different products in the marketplace. No reason is better than the next but, simply put, DBAs make your life easier. Let’s be honest, it’s common knowledge that operating under a DBA is the easiest way to do business. It is because of this fact we offer one simple price for all DBA registrations. Why make it complicated? Create your brand for only $99 today.

Register your DBA for only $99

Save time and let our experts handle all the paperwork, so that you can focus on what matters – growing your business.